Corporate Engagments


GURUJI FOUNDATION believes that the complex issues faced by our country can only be resolved when the state, the civil society, individuals and corporates join hands, and work with each other. A wide lens approach that accommodates many more partners has become indispensable to avoid failures and multiply the odds of success.

Our vision is to work towards the development of the society by providing education, medical facilities, and other facilities to all those in need and to provide pecuniary assistance to those unable to fend for themselves due to old age, disease or any physical or mental handicap by supporting them through grassroot initiatives,also we have spread our care towards the elderly section of our society along with those Suffering from Chronic diseases, not only by reimbursing their medical bills but to provide complete assistance to cancer patients beyond that given by the medical profession, that is, taking a holistic approach, not attacking the malignancy in isolation

We aim to empower women and girls from marginalised communities ,we provided them with market oriented vocational training of sewing which is relevant to their needs and provides them value added skills to help them earn additional income for their families

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has acquired new dimensions in the recent years. In India, though corporate have a powerful will to dedicate their resources for a social cause, they struggle to reach the right people thinking about the demography and diverse social issues of the country.

We're transparent: Our financials are public, as an organization, we are mandated to over out an annual outside financial audit.

Enhance your brand picture and be known as a socially conscious organisation